
Trusted Portland 
IT Support

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  • Computer IT Support For Your Business
  • Most 5-Star Google Reviews in Portland
  • Managed IT Services For Your Business
February Special - VALUE $497
  • Free Cyber-Security Test

    79% of computer networks with 4 to 33 pc's are found to be easily open to attack by cyber-criminals. Find out if yours is one of them. Fill-in the info below and click the "Free Cyber Test" Button.

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24 years
Attention Business Owners!


Click Here For a FREE 57-Point Network Assessment.

Give us a call and discover how great local IT Support Services can be!

Image of IT support engineers and Randy Bankofier at 24x7 IT Solutions in Portland Oregon

Call Us Today At 503-343-4541

Why Choose Us?

Here’s 12 Reasons Why Portland Businesses Outsource Their Computer IT Support To Us:

  1. Image of 2001 because 24x7 IT Solutions has been providing IT solutions and IT services since 2001.

    In Business Since 2001 with Annual 94.74% Client Retention Rate

    This means you can depend on us to have fast, reliable and knowledgeable computer technicians. How else could we keep all our clients happy and stay in business this long?

  2. Portland small business owner happily meditating because we have helped over 700 business with IT issues!

    Supporting Over 702 IT Clients

    With supporting this number of IT clients, you know that we can deliver the services and support that you need for your business.

  3. Business executive jumping for joy due to our cloud solutions saving his business tens of thousands of dollars!

    96% of Our Clients Save Over $46,720 After Moving To A Cloud Network

    And 9% of our clients SAVE OVER $208,480 DOLLARS! This means you can use your savings on IT for other business investments like marketing, sales and operations.

  4. Business manager happily talking on free VoIP phone system in Portland Oregon

    FREE VoIP Phone System

    You Receive a FREE Phone System w/Unlimited Nationwide Calling, PLUS 75% DISCOUNT Off Monthly Phone Bill. This means that if your phone bill is currently around $500/month, then you will save $4,500/year. None of our competitors do this!

  5. Image of IT contract that is a short-term agreement

    NO Long-Term Contracts

    We keep our clients by delivering excellent service, not binding, multi-year contracts that handcuff you to using us. We are DIFFERENT from our many competitors, who stick you with a 3-year service agreement, and then they take forever to respond to your support calls and when they do respond, they send a beginner technician.

  6. Business owner using magnifying glass to find hidden clauses in IT support agreement

    NO Nickel-And-Diming Or Fine Print

    Our service agreements aren’t full of weasel clauses and exclusions; you’ll know exactly what you’re paying for and what you can expect – no “gotchas” or hidden fees. Make sure to really pore over our competitors’ service agreements because most of them we have seen have these sort of “gotchas” in them!

  7. Portland executive blowing a trumpet with joy because 24x7 IT Solutions has a team and not a one-man band

    No “One-Man-Band”

    Many IT businesses only have a few technicians on staff, which means you might be left waiting for hours or even DAYS to get your computer problems resolved because they’re short staffed or too busy trying to serve all their clients.

  8. IT Services technician in red service vest with clipboard ready in 7 minutes or less to discover what IT issues are plaguing your business.

    Help in 7 Minutes – GUARANTEED

    We will have a qualified technician working on resolving your IT problem within 7 minutes or less. Most our competitors make you wait hours or even days.

  9. Small business owner in Portland Oregon getting bank account drained by cyber-criminal. Good thing 24x7 engineers are cyber-security experts!

    Never Lose Your Data – GUARANTEED

    Our competitors depend on unreliable automated alerts from your backup system to notify them if there was a failure or success. We go the extra mile to ensure your data is never lost. Besides looking at automated alerts, we manually check them at 7am every Mon-Fri and then we perform actual test restores every month.

  10. Image of 24x7 management offering you your money-back if you are unsatisfied.

    Your Absolute Satisfaction or Money Back – GUARANTEED

    We absolutely guarantee ALL the Services and Products you purchase from us. If for any reason you are unsatisfied or change your mind in the first 60 days, we will put everything back the way it was and write you a check and reimburse 100% of your money.

  11. Shocked small business owner in Portland because his flat-fee IT invoice is full of details so he knows exactly what he's paying for.

    No Vague Invoices – GUARANTEED

    We List Every User and Computer Device On Your Monthly Invoice along with detailed time records and description of all work, so you can see exactly what licensing and support you are paying for each month. Other Portland IT Support companies provide vague invoices with little to no line item detail.

  12. Happy Portland small business owner holding a clock because his business is receiving reliable IT services around the clock 24x7x365.

    IT Support Available Around the Clock – GUARANTEED

    Most our competitors support their clients Monday through Friday. Nowadays most companies need their IT systems running in the evenings and weekends therefore we promise to always be available when you need us.

Why Choose Us?

Learn what makes 24×7 the best choice for IT support in Portland / Vancouver.

Get Your FREE Pricing Guide on IT

What should you expect to pay for IT support in Portland?

Download our FREE report to discover what most IT service companies in Portland charge, what you should expect to pay for quality IT support, and how to get exactly what you need without unnecessary extras, hidden fees and fake, lowball estimates.

Read This Guide and You’ll Discover:

  • The 3 most common ways IT services companies charge for their services, and the pros and cons of each approach.
  • A common billing model that puts ALL THE RISK on you, the customer, when buying IT services; you’ll learn what it is and why you need to avoid agreeing to it.
  • Exclusions, hidden fees and other “gotcha” clauses IT companies put in their contracts that you DON’T want to agree to.
  • How to make sure you know exactly what you’re getting to avoid disappointment, frustration and added costs later on that you didn’t anticipate.
  • 40 revealing questions to ask your IT support firm BEFORE giving them access to your computer network, e-mail and data.
Image of FREE IT Support Buyers Guide that details what Portland business owners should be paying for IT support services.

Portland's Go-To IT Support Company For :

Portland Small Business Owner leaning on an IT Support / IT Services Plan

Flat-Fee Managed IT Services

Stop wasting time troubleshooting technical problems. Let’s face it… your office manager, admin or YOU have much better things to do with your time than try and resolve computer problems, chase down vendors, figure out warranty repairs, etc. Under our plans, we’ll do it all FOR YOU.

Are your IT systems truly secured from hackers, viruses and rogue employees? Are your backups configured properly to ensure that you could be back up and running again fast in a disaster? Are your systems optimized for maximum speed and performance?

We take care of your IT maintenance, network monitoring and setup so you never have to troubleshoot IT problems again. Our IT experts identify and resolve issues before your team notices them.

Cyber-criminal stealing credit cards from Portland Small Business Owner

Cyber Security

When You Fall Victim To A Cyber-Attack Through No Fault Of Your Own, Will They Call You Stupid…Or Just Irresponsible? It’s EXTREMELY unfair, isn’t it? Victims of all other crimes – burglary, rape, mugging, carjacking, theft – get sympathy from others.

But if your business is the victim of a cybercrime attack, you will be investigated and questioned about what you did to prevent this from happening – and if the answer is not adequate, you can be found liable, facing serious fines and lawsuits EVEN IF you trusted a Portland IT support company to protect you. Claiming ignorance is not an acceptable defense, and this giant, expensive and reputation-destroying nightmare will land squarely on YOUR shoulders.

IT security services from 24×7 IT Solutions can protect your business at every angle and help you plan for rapid recovery.

Small Business Owner in Portland Oregon enjoying cloud computing with zero IT issues

Cloud Computing Services

Are you thinking about moving all or parts of your computer network “to the cloud” but worried about who can access your data? You’re not alone – but many security experts, software companies and cloud-service providers alike agree that cloud computing offers a MORE secure way to store data.

In fact, the US governments cybersecurity adviser, Howard Schmidt, has said that cloud computing will enable businesses to catch up on security issues. That’s because most small businesses do NOT have high-security measures in place. That’s like saying you’d rather stuff your money into a mattress at home than keep it in a bank because you’re not sure who can see and touch your money.

Cloud services from 24×7 IT Solutions eliminates costly maintenance, extends the capabilities of your existing team and keeps your small business running at full speed.

Leave Business IT Support
to the Experts

Do you have a nagging suspicion that your current IT provider isn’t delivering the quality of service you’re paying for? Maybe you’re experiencing chronic problems with your computer and phone systems that your IT provider just never seems to resolve. Maybe it has become easier to find a work-around or try to fix IT problems yourself than to call your IT provider. Could they really get you back up and running after a disaster? Are they truly maintaining critical security updates for your IT systems? Have you outgrown their ability to adequately support you? Stop troubleshooting IT issues and start focusing on running your business.

Expert IT Support engineers along with Randy Bankofier at 24x7 IT Solutions in Portland Oregon.
Business owners enjoy a ZEN state of mind due to no computer or network issues

Trusted By Top Portland Organizations

Many of Portland’s top organizations rely on 24×7 IT Solutions for flat-rate managed IT services and cyber security solutions. Are your IT systems truly secured from hackers, cybercriminals, viruses, worms and even sabotage from rogue employees?

24x7 IT Solutions IT engineers pulling up small business owners business

Supporting Over 702 IT Clients

For a flat monthly fee, 24×7 IT Solutions cuts your IT costs and eliminates the frustration and worry of computer problems finally and forever. Join over 700 clients to experience what expert IT help is all about.

#1 Top-rated IT technicians and IT consultants have tons of advanced skills and years of experience that help small business owners get their computer projects finished

102 Years Of Combined IT Experience

How does faster performance, fewer error messages, and practically zero downtime sound to you? Stop wasting time troubleshooting technical problems and let our experienced IT engineers make your computer network run right.

We Also Provide Specialized IT Support Services for:

We specialize in providing IT solutions and support to the legal industry (attorneys, law practices, lawyers, legal counsel)
Law Offices
We specialize in providing IT solutions and support for the construction industry (electrical, electricians, HVAC, mechanical, roofing, roofers, plumbing, plumbers, builders)
Construction Firms
We specialize in providing IT solutions and support packages for manufacturing companies in Portland Oregon
We specialize in providing IT solutions and support for CPA and accounting firms in Portland Oregon
CPAs / Financial Services
We specialize in providing IT solutions and support for independent boutique hotels in Portland Oregon
Independent and Boutique Hotels
Local IT help and solutions for independent and assisted living centers in Portland Oregon
Independent and Assisted Living Centers

See What Other Portland Businesses Say About our IT Support Services

24x7 is very attentive and get things taken care of quickly.

Walter Contino, Vice President
T3E Company
Beaverton, OR

Our old IT provider was not able to solve the problems right away.

David Stead, General Manager
Langdon Farms Golf Club
Aurora, OR

It’s massive. My admin team is 20% more productive and our audit teams 25% more productive.

Christopher Dean, Business Manager
Van Beek & Company
Portland, OR

I like the way the partnership with Microsoft worked… there’s no pressure to ever upgrade as long as they’re still supporting it.

Frank McCaslin III, Managing Partner
KFK Seasonings
Portland, OR

In Seattle I actually did an order… it printed in Portland… then moved to shipping and went out that day. I did all that right in front of the customer.

Walter Contino, Vice President
T3E Company
Beaverton, OR

There’s a certain amount of comfort knowing that I don’t have to deal with the glitches that I never see these days because you guys are dealing with them before I ever know they are there.

Mike Stewart, Operations Manager
Pro Cyc, Inc
Clackamas, OR

It was a LEAP of FAITH at first! I’m jumping into something I really don’t understand… and I don’t know how it’s going to work… but once you get there… it’s like whoa!

David Stead, General Manager
Langdon Farms Golf Club
Aurora, OR

24x7 is very attentive to us. If somethings down, we are truly out of business.

Walter Contino, Vice President
T3E Company
Beaverton, OR

Yes, our productivity is better. In the past if something happened, we would have at least one person down.

Walter Contino, Vice President
T3E Company
Beaverton, OR